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Cindy Lee     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Cindy Lee, also affectionately known as Cinders, went over the rainbow bridge following complications from the leukemia virus on 05/24/10.  We will miss her.




Sex:                  Female, spayed

Date of Birth:    August, 2008

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     April, 2009

Biography:        Cindy Lee was a stray turned in to the Cedar Valley Humane Society.   She came with a name we didn't particularly care for, so 4-year-old Kirsten rechristened her Cindy Lee.  She's not quite full grown, but will likely be a petite kitty even as an adult.  She is very friendly and gets along well with the other cats.  She looks so much like Highland, another FeLV cat, that we have to keep them in different rooms!  Cindy is the archetypal curious cat, and always wants to investigate what's going on when we're cleaning her room.  She wouldn't sit still for her pictures -- she had to jump up or down to get closer to the camera to see what the heck it was.  She's just a little imp, wouldn't you say? 

Special Needs:  FeLV

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