Sex: Male, neutered
Date of Birth: October, 2008
Arrived at
Witty Kitties: August, 2009
Biography: One morning, Ryan walked into a Plainfield, IA vet clinic as it was opening, meowing for help. He went to the Waverly Pet Rescue about a week later, and from there into a foster home. When his foster family found out that he was FeLV+, they needed to find another place for him, and fortunately we had room. Ryan still behaves like a kitten. His favorite trick is to climb up the hardware cloth walls of his room. He loves tearing around his room and playing with the other youngsters, much to some of the older cats' dismay! He's a beautiful, solid gray boy with just a few white hairs on his throat. He's very friendly and approaches everyone with a smile on his face. In fact, it seems Ryan is always smiling, as you can see from his photos!
Special Needs: FeLV
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