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Simon     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Sponsored by Rick and Patty Lewin and Judy Patterson, Cedar Rapids, 10/09 - 11/11
Simon (along with Harry!) was adopted by Wendy Kadner of Grinnell on 05/08/10.




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    May, 2008

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     October, 2009

Biography:       Simon was a stray cat who decided that Rick & Patty Lewin's front porch looked like a good dining place.  He came like clock-work, three times a day.  And yes, they fed him -- soft food only, since there seemed to be something wrong with his mouth and he couldn't eat dry food.  After they trapped him to get him checked by a vet, he escaped into the rafters of their garage, where he stayed pretty much all the time for the next month!!  He went several days without eating at all when the only food they offered was inside the trap.  What a smart boy!!  He didn't realize how much Rick and Patty wanted to help him.  Finally, Simon was trapped again, and came to Witty Kitties after testing positive for FIV.  He had to have several teeth removed and had one upper and two lower jaw fractures.  He is pretty shy, but is warming up to us a little more every day.  A little time and TLC usually works wonders! 

Special Needs:  FIV

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