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Chuck     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Sponsored by Julie Taylor, Charles City, IA (10/10 - 04/11).
Sponsored by Julie Taylor and Pat Molnar, Charles City, IA (03/14 - 05/14)
Chuck went to his forever home with Jeri McGillicuddy, as a surprise Christmas present from husband Joe, on 12/21/15.  These Witty Kitties volunteers now have their very own witty kitty!




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    September, 2007

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     October, 2010

Biography:         Chuck (along with Stuart) came to us from PAWS, the Floyd County Humane Society, in Charles City.  He was a stray who tested positive for FIV and waited several months for an opening at Witty Kitties.  He lived with Stuart in a large haven, and only occasionally got to roam around the shelter.  So when he arrived here, he immediately started exploring his room and checking out the outdoor area.  He's definitely a people cat and doesn't hesitate to approach everyone who comes into his room.  Chuck loves being up high on the cat tree, but he also loves a good long snooze in someone's lap.  Inquisitive, playful, cuddly, what more could you want???  UPDATE:  Chuck was adopted in June, 2014 and returned to us a year later when his mom decided to go back to school -- she couldn't have pets in student housing.

Special Needs:  FIV

Back to:            FIV Kitties



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