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Bubba     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Bubba lost his battle with full-blown leukemia on 5/28/12.  His final resting place is with the family who rescued him.




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    April, 2010

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     July, 2011

 Biography:        Bubba was a stray who was fed outdoors for several months by his kind rescuers.  He was in such a bad state when they found him -- he had a broken tail, eye problems, swollen legs, was underweight, and had scrapes and cuts all over his body.  But he was very sweet and lovable and got along well with dogs, cats, kids, and anyone who would give him some attention.  Clearly Bubba had been on the receiving end of more than one cat fight.  After a few months of feeding him, he just wasn't getting any better, and his rescuers thought he deserved a better life.  We agreed to take him in, and were not surprised when he tested positive for FIV.  But we were surprised that he also tested positive for FeLV.  Poor boy just can't catch a break.  However, he is gaining weight already, and with all the tender, loving care he'll receive at Witty Kitties, we're sure he's going to thrive.  His sweet personality is winning him many friends already, both two- and four-legged!

Special Needs:  FeLV, FIV

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