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Meowza     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Sweet little Meowza suffered from severe stomatitis.  Even after removing all her teeth, she gained a little weight back but did not thrive.  She went downhill quickly and after antibiotics and vitamins didn't help, we decided to send her over the rainbow bridge on 1/17/13.



Sex:                  Female, spayed

Date of Birth:    August, 2010

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     September, 2012

Biography:         Meowza was rescued by Joan Fischbach, of Charles City, and waited quite a while for an opening at Witty Kitties.  She has the cutest little frost-bitten ears!  We're not sure of her age, but she's probably up there in years.  Little Meowza's teeth are pretty bad and she has signs of stomatitis, so Jenni may be removing more of her teeth soon.  Right now, however, she is eating well and has adjusted just fine to all her male roommates.  Meowza is great with people and loves kids, too!  We're so happy to have her, but we're also hoping that Meowza finds a "regular" forever home soon! 

Special Needs:  FIV

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