Sponsored by Maggy Tomova and Karen Haslett, 08/14 - 03/15
Jack bravely fought off a serious upper respiratory infection for weeks, but when he eventually stopped eating and became very anemic, we helped him over the bridge on 11/30/15.
Sex: Male, neutered
Date of Birth: July, 2010
Arrived at
Witty Kitties: July, 2014 Biography: Jack is one of the most pathetic looking cats we've taken in at Witty Kitties. He was scrawny, had terrible diarrhea, a bad eye, tons of mites, and covered in filth. We really didn't expect him to make it more than a few days. But he has bounced back amazingly. His right eye is looking better all the time and he's eating voraciously. He is really friendly and we can only imagine the horrors he'd been through before showing up at Iowa Humane Alliance. Sadly, he has both viruses, FeLV and FIV, so the odds aren't good for a long life. But he's sure a happy camper right now! UPDATE, 01/15: Jack is thriving! He's gained weight, his eye never needed surgery, and his fur is now black and sleek!
Special Needs: FeLV, FIV
Back to: FeLV Kitties
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