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Parker     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Parker found his forever home with Dan and Debbie on April 15, 2007!!




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    January, 2002

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:    June, 2003

Biography:       The other kitties in the FIV room were ganging up on Parker so badly that we moved him in with the other FeLV kitties, and he's so much happier now!  The chance of him giving the FeLV kitties his virus is very small.  He's a super sweet guy with a kinky tail, and he just loves being petted, particularly by men!  He also loves being brushed, and rolls over to let you do his tummy!

Special Needs:  FIV

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