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OnRamp     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

We sadly and unexpectedly said good-bye to OnRamp following anesthesia for minor surgery on 06/06/13.  We'll miss him wrapping around our legs while scooping...




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:      June, 2001

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:      January, 2003

Biography:           OnRamp is a huge black cat who was trapped just off I-80 and Dodge Street in Iowa City, thus his name.  He was very wild when he arrived, but has tamed down a bit since being here.  It may be hard for him to adapt to a new home, and he may never be a lap cat.  A new family will have to be very patient with him.  He's never tried to bite us, but has inflicted a few scratches.  We're only able to pet him once in a while.

Update (05/07):  OnRamp has mellowed quite a bit, and now will wrap himself around our legs when we're doing our cleaning and feeding chores.   He's also a little more pettable!

Special Needs:   Somewhat wild!

Back to:             Other special needs kitties

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