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Billy     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Little Billy most likely developed infectious peritonitis and we helped him over the bridge on 2/17/11.



Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    June, 2010

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     December, 2010

Biography:         Billy is the third kitty we've had named Billy.  He was named after Billy II, who looked just like him.  We knew when Billy arrived that the odds were long, and as it turns out, we were right.  FeLV+ kittens rarely survive more than a couple years with the virus.  Billy had all the clinical signs of infectious peritonitis, which developed fairly quickly and we did not let him suffer.  While he was with us he had several really good weeks where he could romp and play like the kitten he was.  All kitties deserve that.  He will be missed.

Special Needs:  FeLV

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