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Seth     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

We helped Seth over the rainbow bridge on 11/10/12.  He was suffering from deep ulcers on his tongue and severe stomatitis in his throat and wasn't able to fight off these painful conditions due to his double diagnosis of FeLV and FIV.




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    May, 2011

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     June, 2012

Biography:        Seth is a stray from Paws & More in Washington, IA.  He had a badly injured rear leg -- severe puncture wounds, probably from another animal, that had been infected for some time.  Jenni removed his leg and brought him home to Witty Kitties.  He was in quite a bit of pain when he first arrived.  But Seth is a trooper, and he bounced back quickly.  He is so very friendly and trusting.  And extremely photogenic!  Seth wants attention and petting and will let you know it by coming up to you and wrapping himself around your legs.  Once his fur grows back over the surgical scars, we bet you won't even notice that he has only three legs! 
Special Needs:  FeLV, FIV

Back to:             FeLV Kitties


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