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Neko     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Neko developed infectious peritonitis and stayed with us as long as he could -- we finally helped him over the bridge on 2/22/15.  Another shining star brightens the night sky...



Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    October, 2010

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     November, 2012 

Biography:         Neko has had a rought start at life.  He was abandoned by his first owners when he grew out of kittenhood.  He was rescued, but turned out to be FIV+.  He finally found his way to Witty Kitties (all the way from Kansas City, MO) and was a little shocked with all the cats here!  He hid behind furniture and was pretty growly the first couple of weeks,  But three months later he's a total lover-boy!  He lost a couple pounds when he first arrived because he wasn't eating well.  But now he's a little monster when we're preparing canned food in the morning -- jumping up on the counter and trying to eat it while we're scooping it out of the can!  Neko is a totally different cat than when he arrived, proving that sometimes you just have to wait it out for the stress of a new environment to go away.  Neko has beautiful water-color blue eyes and is absolutely gorgeous -- please come meet him and let him steal your heart!!

Special Needs:  FIV

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