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Dexter     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Dexter found his forever home with Claire Tucci and Andrew Adrian, of Iowa City, on 9/28/14.  Happy new home Mr. Lover-Boy!




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    August, 2013
Arrived at
Witty Kitties:   September, 2014
Biography:         Dexter was rescued by our most dedicated volunteer, Tim Van Loh.  Here's Tim's report:  "I found a cat in need last night and brought him to WK.  He was lost.  I saw him going into Cedar Rapids, and then coming home some time later, after dark.  He seemed extra friendly and glad to have someone take an interest in him.  Stood up on his hind legs for me.  Also followed me!  He climbed all over me on the drive home.  I squared him away in the infirmary.  He ate two large helpings of Friskies and some crunch.  He really wolfed the food down (all of it)!  He has some sort of skin problem that gives him something of a scraggly appearance.  Anyway, he's a nice young guy who's had a rough time lately and I'm sure you'll all want to meet him."   Update: Since arriving, Dexter's skin has clearned up and his fur is growing back.  He loves everyone, purrs up a storm, and can't get close enough to you when holding him.  Dexter is a true lovebug!!
Special Needs:  None
Back to:             Other special needs kitties


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