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Rusty     pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif   pawprints5.gif

Sponsored by Amy McBeth, North Liberty, IA (12/08 - 07/09)
Rusty developed tumors in his abdomen and passed away on 07/08/09)




Sex:                  Male, neutered

Date of Birth:    February, 2006

Arrived at
Witty Kitties:     August, 2007

Biography:        Rusty is from Cedar Rapids and was allowed to wander outdoors even though he had been diagnosed with FIV.  He was rescued by some neighborhood cat lovers, who were concerned that he could be spreading the virus to other neighborhood cats.  Well, it seems like he already knew all the other FIV boys when he arrived, because no one even raised an eyebrow, or a paw!  He even claimed the window sill as his very own.  It took him a day or two to find the kitty door to the outside play area, but now that he's found it, he's in heaven!  That doesn't mean he's antisocial, though.  He's incredibly friendly and trusting, and loves to be petted and wrap himself around your ankles!  

Special Needs: 

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